Bio Memclean MSTP


Bio Memclean™ is an advanced ‘plug and play’ modular MBR waste water treatment system featuring the submerged MBR ultrafiltration modules. The Bio Memclean™ is engineered to provide a high quality effluent, treated to Class A standards and suitable for a variety of reuse applications.

The fully pre-assembled and factory tested Bio Memclean™ modular plant is supplied in an ISO shipping container format for ease of transportation.Primary and bioreactor tanks are open topped with safety railings around access points. Permeate pumps, aeration blower, dosing systems, monitoring and control systems are housed in a lockable control room located at the front of the plant.

The pre-programmed PLC system includes full process Monitoring and data logging functions. Full telemetry including remote control is available as an option. The Bio Memclean™ is designed to require minimal operator supervision making it ideal for installation in remote locations.

Treatment Process

The Bio Memclean™ is a fully self-contained MBR wastewater treatment system incorporating the following process stages:

1. Inlet screening
2. Primary / Anoxic tank – DE nitrification
3. Aeration / Membrane Bioreactor tank -Nitrification
4. submerged membrane filtration modules
5. Permeate receiving and disinfection
6. RAS and sludge removal.

Working Principal

Bio Memclean™ Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)can best be described as one part of a biological process where small microbes degrade pollutants before being filtered by a collection of submerged membranes. Membranes are housed in modules that are, in turn, assembled into cassettes and installed in a tank (called an MBR). Air introduced through integral diffusers scours membrane surfaces during filtration, mixes the tank and provides oxygen to the biological process.

A growing body of research suggests that properly designed and operated MBR systems offer several advantages over conventional technologies in terms of protecting public health and improving sustainability including but not limited to:

  • Use as pre-treatment for reverse osmosis (RO) systems
  • Improved removal of micro pollutants (micro constituents)
  • Reduced disinfection requirements

Salient Features

  • Plug and play packaged system
  • Automatic fine influent screen
  • Flat sheet & Hollow fibre MBR module
  • Up to 0.01μm Ultrafiltration membrane
  • Automatic cyclic membrane backwashand CIP System
  • Proven design
  • Fully Factory Tested
  • Systems available from 10 – 300kl/day in single container
  • Standard Steel Modular construction
  • Compact and easy to transport
  • Minimum filed assembly
  • Optional UV disinfection
  • Optional effluent monitoring system withremote telemetry
  • Plan capacity is Expandable with addition of MBR Modules.
  • Effluent Quality BOD < 5 TSS < 1 Turbidity < 1
  • Clean in Place
  • High Resistance to Hydraulics and shock load.


  • Leading Edge modular sewage treatment plant
  • Incorporate advance membrane technology.
  • Ideal for sites where water reuse is premium.
  • High removal efficiency for nitrogen, BOD & COD,
  • Fewer process to achieve comparable effluent quality.
  • Eliminate Sludge ability Issues.
  • Reduce sludge yield
  • High Quality Effluent
  • Small Foot Prints.


  • Waste water
  • Restaurant and kitchen waste water
  • Capacity increase
  • Plant modification and expansion
  • Toilet Flush, Landscape, Car Wash, Construction, Gardening etc.
  • (Below and Above Ground)
  • Apartment Buildings
  • IT Parks
  • All Commercial Establishments such as
  • Hospital
  • Hotels
  • Educational Institutions, etc
  • Decentralized STP in remote and hilly terrains.
  • Industrial Effluent Treatment for Recovery and Recycle:
  • Tanneries, Textile Dye and Bleaching Effluents,
  • Pharmaceutical, Chemical Process Industries,
  • Automobile and Engineering,
  • Food and Beverage.



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